Double The Deals For You

Double The Deals For You

Double The Deals For You.

Due to competition between the two principal and giant hotel booking aggregators, I can now display deals from both the competing giants which both are my partners. It is much trouble to add retrospectively, though.

The deals from Booking dot com are traditionally shown as a vertical banner for each city. Agoda dot com’s smaller banners, or what they are called dynamic banners, are shown as a sample above (circled in red).

Adding one more set of deals not only doubles the options and choices, ideally, but some frequent travelers have their own preferred login credentials or preferred middle men. Deals aren’t a precise science and it depends on the prevailing occupancy, demand and season, I speculate. Is controlled by the hotels according to their own algo and formula. In fact some cities, deals wont show up for some unknown technical reasons. I shall ask them at their webinar this Friday.

If no hotels are shown on the banner, just click on it and it will take you to the city. I am adding the second option to more cities as we go along. Use the generic Hotel Search ( and it should unravel any hidden deals or flash prices. I complained about some banners not rotating and they now have added up down arrow keys to cycle through manually.

Thank you to regular users for your valued support and I hope to improve your experience and value. Please PM me or e-mail me, should you have questions. Thank you. Hotel Deals Finder Index is here:

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