When I posted or published the recent Kampung Hakka and Santa Factory photo essays, several well-meaning friends messaged or commented that they were glad to see me out and about, and that I was recovering well. While I appreciate your positive prognosis, the truth is:
I wasn’t, really. I was fortunate to have a good caregiver. She pushed my wheelchair and drove me to exactly how I wanted to position the camera. The bottom line is: Good help must be fairly compensated. Nothing is free.
In addition, going to the faraway and exotic places cost plenty of money for tolls, petrol and meals that drained my pocket.
I like to be able to indulge in what I like instead of wallowing in despair and hopelessness. Also being able to photograph and write keep my mind. body and soul fresh, alert and positive.
Much as I want to get out and about, I have to be realistic about financial resources. I am saddled with bills for medical care, medicines, special transportation, physio therapy and many other day to day expenses without any incoming income.
When I last appealed for donations for food for my cats. many kind people and generous friends and even strangers from near and far responded promptly and meaningfully. That I appreciate deeply. I can’t thank you enough. You know who you are. Hugs.
I am therefore appealing to those who can afford it to make (another) small donation to keep the pictures and stories going. Think of it as important, critical and impactful crowdfunding. To the many who say they enjoyed the pictures and stories very much, here’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is. Haha. No obligations, though.
If you are abroad, you can send funds to my Pay Pal account at tvsmith@gmail.com
Fellow Malaysians at home may find it easier to bank in money to my RHB or make a simple online transfer.
RHB Bank Malaysia Current Account Name: T.V. Smith
A/C No: 2-12200-1012422-6 or 21220010124226 (without hyphens)
RHB Bank Taman Megah Branch
My Tel: +6012 3368 360
My E-mail : tvsmith@gmail.com
Drop me a message or mail, if your name appear unfamiliar or mismatched so I can thank you personally. Thank you for helping. Happy holidays. Remember: every cent counts, no matter how small.
If you are unable to donate cash, donations of cat food in dry form or kibbles will also lessen my burden greatly. E-mail or message me to find out how or where you can drop it off.
It’s the season to be generous 🙂