Restaurant 168

Restaurant 168 Pudu

My long time friend Anna Har took me out for lunch and to do some street photography today. It is a meaningful and deeply appreciated gesture. Anna didn’t want credit, at first.

I told her it may inspire other friends to volunteer. As I told Anna, it not only provided the needed physical exercise but the outing is also mentally therapeutic to be able to talk to a friend.

For lunch, I told her ‘let’s find a place with real character and attitude’. Not some hipster joints. We chanced upon this famous restaurant named 168 at the back of the former Majestic Cinema in Pudu. It has plenty of character plus the food is good.

Looks like a shop in old Hong Kong. The Jalan Brunei area is a vintage and forgotten area of Kuala Lumpur.

Panasonic Lumix GM-1, ISO 200, f4.5, 1/200 sec.

#restaurant168 #pudu #wantonmee #currymee #streetphotography

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