Taibao in Chiayi County.
My friend 張進金 – Zhang Jin Jin, who provided me with the Taipei 101 image loves photographing flowers. He traveled 270 km from Taipei to Taibao in Chiayi County in Taiwan to visit the Taibao Sea of Flowers Festival Floral Fest.
The paddy farmers there plant canola (yellow flowers) and cosmos seeds (red-pink flowers) on the organic rice fields during the fallow period to grow a sea of colorful, colorful and romantic flowers attracting honey bees, shutterbugs and selfie addicts.
Depending on time of year, one can also see cherry blossoms and tulips. A brilliant tourism idea. My first time hearing of the beautiful city and county.
Find a hotel with special deals at Taibao here: http://www.mycen.my/taibao-hotel-deals-finder/
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