Seeing Stars During Nightfall At Santa Factory

At the tail end of the evening, one can see the sky getting darker. For better contrasting colours, start capturing earlier. See previous pics for comparison. The advantage of a darker sky is the possibility of seeing stars. As with any small sensor camera, don’t let the ISO ride too high or noise will start to creep in.

Asus Zenfone 3, ISO 1109, f 2.0, 1/30 sec.

Waiting To Break Fast Outside KL Sogo

Nice to see the department store providing mats for the public.

Can you see the number of people in the crowd checking their phones? 🙂

Photography Notes: This is a very tough nightfall scene for any camera to handle.

The Sony Zeiss FE 55mm – A7R combo handled it with ease and beautifully.

Sony Alpha a7R, ISO 1250, f1.8, 1/250 sec.

Egg Yolk Sunset

I saw a lovely setting sun in the mirror while stuck in a horrendous traffic jam today. Decided to shoot through the wing mirror while waiting at the lights.

Deliberate under-exposure kept the bright sun in check. That, plus factors such as micro-vibrations and dust on an already optically-imperfect mirror created some funky effects.

I like the surreal effect in which different shades of red and orange dominate; that of the sun, the street lights and tail lights of cars going in the opposite direction.

Many Cantonese-speaking photographers refer to such a sunset as “kai tan wong” or egg yolk.

Sony Alpha a7R, ISO 100, f4, 1/1250 sec.