Seeing Stars During Nightfall At Santa Factory

At the tail end of the evening, one can see the sky getting darker. For better contrasting colours, start capturing earlier. See previous pics for comparison. The advantage of a darker sky is the possibility of seeing stars. As with any small sensor camera, don’t let the ISO ride too high or noise will start to creep in.

Asus Zenfone 3, ISO 1109, f 2.0, 1/30 sec.

I Saw Mommy Doing A Selfie Underneath The Mistletoe Last Night

I saw a random family posing for selfies last night. Pity the crowd was quite sparse as not many know about this place and its attractions currently. The theme will run until 31st December. There is fireworks scheduled for 8:55 pm tomorrow 17th December at Santa Factory. Subject to fair weather, of course.