Don’t Be A Chicken On Social Media

I mentioned a pet peeve of mine on social media earlier. It is perplexing to see people posting landscape and travel pics without a description of its location or nary a caption. Not only is it a result of “kiasuism” or afraid to lose attitude but they could be agents of telcos out to increase bandwidth consumption.

The culprits seem to want increased comment count because they know their followers will ask “where lah?” repeatedly, Though, I think the best comment ought to be Flower Bridge in Cantonese (Far Kiu).

Look: no matter how beautiful was your sunset beach pic, somebody will do better. Maybe some people are secretive because they went somewhere without their spouse or partner’s knowledge. or there could be another reason. Tell me, habitual kiasuians: How hard is it to type Morib or Malibu Beach? I’ll understand if it is to protect an unspoilt. remote and pristine nature attraction. I also understand your haste to post.

Even more frustrating are people who post food pics and provide no info as to the dish or the name of a restaurant or eatery. I asked a girl once why she concealed the name of a restaurant. She gave me the most absurd but honest reply.

She said she doesn’t want to make the restaurant more popular or it won’t be her own little secret and by popularising it. it may make the place non exclusive to her anymore. What a selfish reason as many small traders don’t have a budget to advertise and depend on word of mouth.

Be sociable on social media or get off it. Share if you agree.

Pic of free range chickens in lovely kampung house at the lonely road from Kerling town to Lembah Beringin, How many chickens do you see?

#socialmedia #chickens #tagging #captions #kampung

Will The Real Me, Please Stand Up

I always thought it it was viral paranoia by people who will share any internet warning.

Today, I received a fake add friend request from my friend Melinda Song who is already a friend. Being suspicious, I wanted to message her husband Kenny Song to ask if she was hacked.

Before I can seek confirmation, she posted on her account saying her Fb was cloned identically. Her friends who accepted commented they received a message soon after asking for their phone number. Melinda posted some new pics which I dare not like not knowing if they are real.

It is all Facebook’s fault for they can easily detect clones and prevent the opening of such accounts. Like how Gmail will warn you that a mail was spoofed and may not be from the address claimed.

Should you be aware you are cloned, always report to Facebook so the fake accounts are shut and Facebook becomes aware of how widespread the issue is. By not reporting, you may be hurting innocent friends exposed to crooks.

There is no point warning people not to accept or declaring bravely you will never open a second account. Shit happens. Give people a means to contact you to verify outside Facebook.

Should you ever receive a second request from me, you can e-mail me at to confirm, or reach me by Instagram @tvsmithmy or via Twitter @tvsmthmy
Or if you remember any mutual friends, contact them and they might know.

Or search for my website/blog at or Google “tv smith malaysia”

If you need to find this post again, search for these tags on Facebook or Instagram.
#cloning #clone #cloned #fbcloning #tvscloning

Bookmark or share this.

Who Are These People?

You scroll through your timeline or newsfeed occasionally. You liked some pictures or posts because they appear interesting. Also because you know how difficult an effort it was to put up some of the posts. Also you want to give some support and encouragement to decent people.

I am not talking about liking a trivial post or some mental diarrhea transformed into a post. You do it NOT BECAUSE they are your friends but because you know social media is about being RECIPROCAL and SOCIABLE. You REMEMBER some liked your posts and it is only FAIR and LOGICAL you return the gesture even though it is an unwritten rule. It may not be compulsory or obligatory but it is basic and decent human value about receiving and giving. Sad to say; many fuckers are NOT EVEN HUMANS.

Social media is not a VACUUM. It is about reactions, be it likes, sharing and commenting. Even pokes. To those who regularly do, I thank you.

But there a few useless assholes or social media LEPERS around. Throw a like and you’ll hit one.You liked their posts every time or for the UMPTEENTH time but they never like any of your posts BACK.

Who are these arrogant mofos who expect ONE WAY LOVE, all the time? They DON’T BELONG in social media and only make things regressive. I don’t have the time but I should avoid them, unfriend or unfollow the zombies. These are selfish people who expect to receive all the time and not give. You probably see them hanging around a Christmas tree and not give any presents to their loved ones.

You know who you are, mofos and I will be unfollowing or unfriending you soon. I don’t want people with RIGOR MORTIS or UNRESPONSIVE people on my list. At least, you know the reason I kicked you out, if you read it here later.

I assume these people are DEAD and don’t check their posts. But nope. There’ll be a GRATUITOUS selfie posted very hour to show they are still BREATHING. I’m not even talking about arrogant celebs or women who flaunt their BIG TITS in profile pics and daily pics all the time.

These women don’t give a fuck about you because they know they will get grateful likes from DUMDFUCK guys who will turn into soft silicon upon seeing big tits in bikinis. lingerie, belly buttons, butt cracks, cleavage or big tits half hanging out like rotting cempedak. These are the same LAME slave guys who write grammar-challenged posts into her timeline to express: “Thanks for accepts”. WTF?

Was trying to find some T&A pics to illustrate this post and realised I have a big collection from the now defunct Japan GT races in Sepang.

Good News For Instagrammers

They use auto comment that detects new posts or by keywords. Then then spam you with ugly comments. I think of it as a form of vandalism on my feed and will delete and report them as soon as I see them.

The sad part is many Instagram users do not delete spam comments and leave it there. It only encourages such garbage as an innocent party might click or follow the link. You are providing a free advertising medium for spammers and scammers. Worst part; is some even follow back such spammers. The hunger for followers and comments is telling.

In case you don’t know, many such accounts are probably robots and robots won’t look at your posts, like your posts or comment in a meaningful way.

I have always reported them and nothing was ever done. Neither were there any acknowledgements or feedback previously.

All of a sudden, from a few days ago, Instagram started sending back report receipts saying they have taken action and the offending accounts were deleted. All within the same day to boot. Kudos to Instagram for making the platform a safer and cleaner place.

So don’t just delete spam but report them as well. I take it that many do not even know that spam comments can be deleted. Methods for deleting comments depends on phone and OS. Some phones may require you to slide or swipe the comment, or to hold down the comment for options or to mark it as selected and then pressing the trash can.

Use reporting responsibly and ethically as some may be promoting a legit business like selling clothes or scarves. In that case, just delete the comment if you feel it is spammy. Some may just be promoting their own Instagram accounts to gain more followers legitimately .

How many you here on Facebook are also my Instagram followers? I can’t tell sometimes as your user name may be radically different. Let me know if I didn’t follow you back. My Instagram is at @tvsmithmy

Scam Alert: Luxury Car Giveaway On Facebook

At last count, there are over 100 thousand people hoping to win a luxury car from an anonymous and overnight Facebook page.

You got to say it is a very successful promotion targeted at a special market of people who ask or suspect nothing.

Why is there no website or link or T&C? That’s the first red flag.

You can say it cost you nothing. It also cost nothing to set up a Facebook page to do mining.

The scam usually goes like this and was busted by Snopes as early as December 2014:

“For the FIRST time in facebook history we are giving away 2 [insert Audi, Mercedes, Range Rover, etc] to two winners that we will select on [insert date] completely at random.

Would you like to join this amazing giveaway for a chance to own a brand new AUDI? Simply follow the steps below to enter the competition :

Step 1) Likes this Page
Step 2) Like this Post
Step 3) Comment which color you want. (BLACK OR WHITE)
Step 4) Share on your wall

The winners will be messaged via inbox message”

The current “Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG 2015 Giveaway” is a “Like(s) Farming” scam at best. A page with many likes can be recycled to scam even more people later as the accumulated likes gives it some seeming credibility.

At worst, it is mining of personal data from stupid people. The gullible people opt in for permission spamming by liking the page. The perpetrators gained a list of idiots to spam via PM or to con in future.

For the spammers and scammers, it is a free and easy way of building a database of greedy people most likely to fall for a scam. What could be better? Brilliant, indeed.

Further (simple) investigation, revealed it is an old scam on Twitter and Facebook.

It works especially well here because Malaysians are suckers for anything free.