The Flower Bridge Symphony.
An opportune time to explain Chelsea Ng’s use of Flower Bridge comment in her colleague Veera Pandiyan Manickam’s post comment. For non native Chinese speakers, you may have seen it or heard it. Even for many Chinese, it can be baffling and puzzling. I think I first heard it as a joke in the 90s.
In Cantonese, flowers is Fah, and bridge is Kiu, so combined, phonetically it sounds like a loving “Fuck You”.
Flower bridge to you too, Chelsea. I think you won’t find it in Urban Dictionary. It is a clever and gentle way to say vulgar words politely. Google Search will take you to Flower Bridge in Connecticut and Corsica and a beautiful one by Gamudaland in Shah Alam. Anyone knows where is this Swan Lake? I like to go there and take some selfies.
Pic by GamudaLand in Panoramio.
#flowerbridge #farkiu #cantonese