Cendol Ibrahim Banting – A Cursory Review

Off the bat, I like the metal bowl and metal spoon used. It always make the cendol concoction feels colder. Love the coarsely textured shaved ice too but the green cendol jellies tasted a little too salty. And it was not because of the santan (coconut milk brew).

I regretted not specifying “Kurang Manis”(less sweet) as some regulars did. Lessening the palm sugar can reduce the sweetness significantly. Not sure if it will do well with the saltiness of the cendol.
The shop sells its own complementary mamak rojak pasembor too. I tried it on a previous trip and it was quite good.

Panasonc Lumix GM-1, ISO 200, f7.1, 1/200 sec.

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Getting A Good Shave At Cendol Ibrahim Banting

The traditional ice shaver used by mobile hawkers used to be the planing type made of wood and an embedded blade. I remember when I was a kid, the grab handle for the ice was a wooden ice pick with rows of nails to dig into the ice.

The hawket than slide the ice back and forth on the shaver as seen here.

Nowadays, almost all cendol and ABC sellers use a motorised electric shaver which is modified from the hand cranked circular version.

People used to the soft and finely shaven ice from machines nay not like the course and unevenly textured shaved ice from the manual hand powered process. I like it though. It has more character.

The chief cendol barista at Cendol Ibtahim Banting was still using the old fashoned method, from some 50 years ago, when the stall started, but curiously there is no nail embedded ice pick. He held the block of ice with his bare hand when I was there.

Don’t be shy about going close. This is a famous hawker and he is used to cameras in his face. He is also chatty and friendly.

Panasonc Lumix GM-1, ISO 200, f10, 1/200 sec.

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The Last Hand-Powered Ice Shaver- Cendol Ibrahim Banting

Cendol Ibrahim is another famous Banting institution worth checking out. The shop from the 1960s is one of the last cendol stalls still using an old fashioned hand powered-ice shaver.

Asus ZenFone 3 image.

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Kow Po Revisited

Kow Po is that famous family-owned ice-cream parlour in Bentong. I tried their cendol (icy dessert of green jelly in coconut milk, sweetened with palm sugar) this time and was delighted to find a scoop of pandan (screwpine) flavoured ice-cream on it.

While home-made ice cream is their signature product, part of the appeal of the place is the old-school containers and high-back diner-style chairs of the 60’s. The place is also quite dark, perhaps harking back to the dimly-lit coffee-houses that served as courting venues during yesteryears.

There is also a Malay lady selling some killer nasi lemak and rojak for which I didn’t try. On weekends, there are literally busloads of people lining up to get in.

Map and directions to Kow Po in Bentong: http://www.mycen.my/kow-po-ice-cream-bentong/

Warung Ais Krim Kow Po, Bentong Heights, 28700 Bentong, Pahang. Tel: +609 222 1258

Olympus OM-D, ISO 200, f4.5, 1/50 sec.

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