Those Days Were Nuts

Yellow Boiled Peanuts

The shells, along with those from melon seeds (kuaci) littered every inch of the floor. This was before the introduction of boring, mandated popcorn and garden variety cineplexes.

During those days, a sickening symphony of cracking and squashing sounds can be heard as cinema goers wade through the mess when the movie ends. Every one will carry his or her empty soft drink bottle out though. They get a deposit return for the bottle. Haha.

Though I hated smelly cuttlefish more, my biggest gripe was not the litter or the snacks. It was the lazy projectionist cutting off the end credits prematurely and that MOFO usher.

Five minutes before a movie ends, the sicko destroys your concentration and enjoyment with a spoiler. He will loudly pull open all the exit door curtains to signal the movie is ending, just when you least expect it.

Sony Alpha a7R, ISO 125, f4, 1/250 sec.

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