4th of July Fireworks

My American friend, Chris Raborn, the solo explorer, wanderer and born again photographer sent me a message just now with a picture “Thanks for the fireworks tips. I like how this turned out”

It is the Louisiana State Capitol Building in capital city Baton Rouge. Louisiana time is GMT -5 and it is around 1:30 am there local time now. Well done, Chris. We met when he was working in South East Asia.

“Thanks! You always have good photo tips” he added when I told him I am going to share it, Chis is at @chris.raborn.photography on IG.

Find a hotel in Baton Rouge via Mycen Hotels here:

I featured a picture from him at the holiday congested Yellow Stone National Park in April this year. He made my day to know I played a small part in the Independence Day celebrations.

#fireworks #4thofjuly #independenceday #louisiana #batonrouge #usa

Fireworks Shooting Tips For 4th Of July

Happy 4th of July to my dear American friends. Here are some fireworks shooting tips for you. If you are taking a break, you can still find many hotels via MyCen Hotels at http://www.mycen.my/ Every American city and town is covered.

I am tagging Malaysian friends residing there too. Sorry if I miss out anyone inadvertently.

Share with a neighbor, classmate or colleague. Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day To The People Of USA.

Happy 4th of July to my many followers and friends from the land where Ikea is known as Eye-Kea :-). Hope you enjoy photographing the fireworks later tonight. Thought I’ll share with you some tips on shooting fireworks.

As beautiful as each burst is going to be, it is less meaningful if each is photographed in the sky by itself. When someone look at the pictures later, the fireworks could have been photographed in Dubai, London or Hong Kong. The black sky is the same anywhere in the world. Try to also frame some shots with a recognisable landmark where practical.

To do that, it means going out early, finding out where the cannons are erected and walking around to scout for a suitable vantage point. There are no short cuts. Good fireworks photography requires research, planning and legwork.

Where there are no landmarks, you may want to include the celebratory ambience such as the surrounding crowd. With moving humans you need to increase your shutter speed a bit. But doing that will also reduce the streak effects of the fireworks. The trick is finding an optimum balance for both the ground and sky action. Have fun!

Olympus OM-D, ISO 3200, f4, 1/40 sec.

Follow my Facebook Page and Instagram at: tvsmithmy

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