You Are At The Tip

You Are At The Tip

Tanjung Piai (pronounced Pee-I) is a weird place. Geographically, it is seriously significant because it is the Southernmost tip of mainland or continental Asia. On the opposite and other extreme end is Cape Chelyuskin in Russia, just below the North Pole.Yet sadly, Tg Piai is virtually unknown to many Malaysians and Singaporeans. In reality the place is a dump. I went there in 2003 with Pooi San, with Emily Lowe in 2011 and with Sharon in 2014 on various roadtrips.

Malaysians only know one thing in promoting a seaside attraction: build chalets on stilts. There is nothing much to see unless you enjoy looking at oil tankers in the narrow Straits of Johor or at the industrial areas of Tuas in Singapore. It is also part of a national park with the mangrove shore as attraction. One thing I noticed is the first thing people do when they arrive at the Tanjung Piai resort is to pee. It is a long drive.

Tip: I don’t recommend staying here. Look for accommodation in Kukup or Pontian or even the kinky love hotel in JB. Search in MyCen Hotels.

Pic 1, If gazebos turn you on.
Pic 2. Malaysians also know selling T shirts.
Pic 3. A family bored out of their skulls bonding at the restaurant. Thank goodness for wi-fi.

#tanjungpiai #johor #jb #tip #southernmost #asia #pontian #kukup #landmark #roadtrip

Wide Playground

Children playing at the courtyard of the village temple. Not many open spaces on the mangove island as every track and lane were on planks built on stilts.

At Chinese fishing villages, it is common to see Taoist temples dedicated to deity Mazu, under different name variations. Mazu is the revered Chinese Goddess of the seas and guardian protector goddess for fishermen.

I was obsessed with 16: 9 widescreen format in year 2010. It was more for Full HD video than stills. It was a challenge to compose and to fit many subjects. Some subjects or scenes such as this one were made for the ratio. I added the ‘letterboxing’ to fit Instagram’s square format.

I will create a Kukup Hotels page later. Meanwhile, try the hotels in Pontian Kecil nearby:

#kukup #johor #ferryterminal #fishingvillage #pontian #mazu #deity #chinesetemple #taoist #widescreen #anamorphic #fullhd #hd