Remember I mentioned that economical spectacle shop in Sungai Wang? I took my mom there today with the help of the ever kind and helpful PuiSee Chu (FB). She took me there on my first visit. Not only is Pui See so patient and understanding, she is also very good with elderly people such as my mom. Me and mom were so touched. We felt so blessed and thankful to have such a caring and genuine friend.
While waiting for the spectacles to be made, we went for a quick lunch. It was at the U-Village Restaurant (FB) – Hong Kong Restaurant. Ordered my mom a bowl of ‘sui kow’ dumplings soup with wonton noodles. Sui Kow is literally translated as ‘water dog’ from Cantonese. I don’t know why.
Even though the ‘sui kow’ were impressively big and luscious, my mom being the typical Chinese, complained there was no pork in it. LOL. Only three prawns (shrimps) in each of the three dumplings. Me and Pu See had better luck with what we ordered though. Coming up next.
#chinesefood #dumpling #suikow #hongkong #sungaiwangplaza #lunch #noodles #foodphotography #uvillage